Dr. M Rodrigues Pereira (MRP) ז"ל wrote in his introduction to Hochmát Shelomó that "The compilation of this guide ... has been undertaken because of my personal observation that the oral tradition ... according to minhag of the Western Sephardeem is in danger of getting lost". I couldn't express my reasons to undertaking building this site in a better way. What is true for the Western Sephardim in general is even more true for the Dutch Sephardim, a community which was heavily diminished by the Shoah (Holocaust) and is struggling to survive. Seder Chazzanut describes the unique nusach (custom) of the Amsterdam Portuguese community, as used in the Esnoga. Up till 1950, various hand-written booklets existed, written by Chazzanim and Shamashim for their personal usage. One such manuscript, written by O. Brandon in 1892, was printed around 1950 in a limited edition and photocopies of it are used today as our main source for the minhag. That Seder hazzanut from O. Brandon is therefore also the basis of this website. This site aims to bring together in an extensive, and hopefully complete way, the “what", "when” and "how" to say from the old manuscripts, with the “how it sounds” from many recordings and the "why", when applicable, in a multi-media way. The first pages of this site found their origin in May 2003 in a demonstration of the possibilities and were written in Dutch . To open our unique nusach to a wider audience, it was decided to publish the site in English. It took me 20 years to complete this site. The last pages, services for all Festivals (רגלים), were added in May 2023. Although completed, the site is not finished. New items and missing content is added from time to time. All Dutch pages have been replaced by English versions. Only some articles, originally written in Dutch, have not been translated. If you apply common sense, you can use translate tools to read the Dutch texts.
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Rene Samson, DZB & NRP composed an Andoid Tefilot app for working days which can be installed from the Play Store (recommended) or directly from the website. Disclaimer: The content on this site is based on many sources and verified as much as possible. It has no formal halachic status. In case of doubt, please contact the rabbinate of the Amsterdam Portuguese Community. Jacob (Jaap) B. Sondervan.
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