| M.H. Gans (1917-1987), Memorboek ז"ל (MHG) |
 | S. Nunes Nabarro ז"ל, Chazzan
ז"ל (NN) 1920-1994. sample
voice |
 | Chacham dr. Salomon
Aron Rodrigues Pereira ז"ל (SRP) 1887-1969. sample
voice |
 | A. Rodrigues Pereira (ARP), oldest son of Chacham
Pereira. sample
voice |
 | dr. Martinus
(Martin, Tinus).Rodrigues Pereira ז"ל
(MRP), 1920-2001, son of Chacham Pereira. sample
Hochmát Shelomóh, ISBN 0-933676-37-9, including a cassette with
recordings, published by written permission of Mrs. T. Rodrigues Pereira. |
 | Rabbi H. Rodrigues Pereira ז"ל (HRP),
1932-2020, nephew of Chacham Pereira. sample
voice |
 | L. Alvares Vega ז"ל
(LAV) 1904-1989, he was
the guardian of the cemetery in the years 1937-1986 and manger of the
community for many years. sample
voice |
 | S.
Alvares Vega ז"ל (SAV) 1926-2008,
he was a nephew of LAV and a cousin of
AAV. Immigrated to Israel in 1950. sample
voice |
 | dr. A. Alvares Vega ז"ל
(AAV) 1938-2017, son of L. Alvares Vega. sample
voice |
 | S.
Behar ז"ל (SB) 1932 - 2018, teacher and
bangal tefilla in the 1960-1980. The author of this site (JBS) learnt his
first haftara at the age of 7 from mister Behar. sample
voice |
 | Seder Hazanoet (SH) O. Brandon ז"ל,1892, as published by dr. J.
Meijer. |
 | Rabbi Joseph Benjamin Serfaty (RJS), rabbi of the
community, 2019- |
 | Eliot Alderman (EA): freelance chazzan and Choirmaster based in London, a.o. chazzan at the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London.
voice |
 | ir J.B. Sondervan (JBS), the owner of this site. sample
voice |
 | ir J. Ph. Sondervan (JPhS),
son of JBS. sample
voice |
 | N.B.D. Sondervan (NBS), son of JBS. sample
voice as child, as
adult |
 | S. Vaz Dias (SVD). sample
voice |
 | prof. H Prins Salomon (HPS), Het Portugees in de Esnoga van Amsterdam,
ISBN 90-90-14075-1 and private correspondence. |
 | drs. Daniel Zecharja Baruch (DZB). sample
voice |
 | A. Lopes Cardozo (BC) ז"ל
1914-2006 chazzan in Amsterdam, Paramaribo 1937-1945 & New York as of
1945. |
David Israel Ricardo (DIR) ז"ל 1904-1982 was conductor of the communal Santo Sevicio choir
before the war. He was the eldest son the rabbi dr. B. Israel Ricardo, who
translated the tefillot. sample
voice |
 | N. Rodrigues Pereira (NRP), grandson of HRP's brother. Chazzan from 2013
till 2015. sample
voice |
 | D. Nunes Nabarro (DNN), son of chazzan NN. sample
voice |
 | ing. D. Cohen Paraira (DCP), cousin of JBS. |
 | Danny Shapiro (DS): chazzan in Snoge 2019 sample
voice |
 | dr. A. Palache (BP) sample
voice |
 | R. Samson (RS) sample
voice |
 | J. (Joël) Boosman (JEB) sample
voice |
 | E. Zigler (EZ) sample
voice |
 | B. Vingerling (BV) sample
voice |
 | B. Behar (BB), son of SB
; sample voice |