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Contributors & sources to this site
(in random order)

M.H. Gans (1917-1987), Memorboek ז"ל (MHG)
S. Nunes Nabarro  ז"ל, Chazzan  ז"ל (NN) 1920-1994. sample voice
Chacham dr. Salomon Aron Rodrigues Pereira  ז"ל (SRP) 1887-1969. sample voice
A. Rodrigues Pereira (ARP), oldest son of Chacham Pereira. sample voice
dr. Martinus (Martin, Tinus).Rodrigues Pereira ז"ל (MRP), 1920-2001, son of Chacham Pereira. sample voice
Hochmát Shelomóh, ISBN 0-933676-37-9, including a cassette with recordings, published by written  permission of Mrs. T. Rodrigues Pereira.
Rabbi H. Rodrigues Pereira ז"ל (HRP), 1932-2020, nephew of Chacham Pereira.  sample voice
L. Alvares Vega ז"ל (LAV) 1904-1989,  he was the guardian of the cemetery in the years 1937-1986 and manger of the community for many years. sample voice
S. Alvares Vega ז"ל (SAV) 1926-2008, he was a nephew of LAV and a cousin of AAV. Immigrated to Israel in 1950. sample voice
dr. A. Alvares Vega ז"ל (AAV) 1938-2017, son of L. Alvares Vega. sample voice
S. Behar  ז"ל (SB) 1932 - 2018, teacher and bangal tefilla in the 1960-1980. The author of this site (JBS) learnt his first haftara at the age of 7 from mister Behar. sample voice
Seder Hazanoet (SH) O. Brandon ז"ל,1892, as published by dr. J. Meijer.
Rabbi Joseph Benjamin Serfaty (RJS), rabbi of the community, 2019-
Eliot Alderman (EA): freelance chazzan and Choirmaster based in London, a.o. chazzan at the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London. sample voice
ir J.B. Sondervan (JBS), the owner of this site. sample voice
ir J. Ph. Sondervan (JPhS), son of JBS. sample voice
N.B.D. Sondervan (NBS), son of JBS. sample voice as child, as adult
S. Vaz Dias (SVD). sample voice
prof. H Prins Salomon (HPS), Het Portugees in de Esnoga van Amsterdam, ISBN 90-90-14075-1 and private correspondence.
drs. Daniel Zecharja Baruch (DZB). sample voice
A. Lopes Cardozo (BC) ז"ל 1914-2006 chazzan in Amsterdam, Paramaribo 1937-1945 & New York as of 1945.
David Israel Ricardo (DIR) ז"ל 1904-1982 was conductor of the communal Santo Sevicio choir before the war. He was the eldest son the rabbi dr. B. Israel Ricardo, who translated the tefillotsample voice
N. Rodrigues Pereira (NRP), grandson of HRP's brother. Chazzan from 2013 till 2015. sample voice
D. Nunes Nabarro (DNN), son of chazzan NN. sample voice
ing. D. Cohen Paraira (DCP), cousin of JBS.
Danny Shapiro (DS): chazzan in Snoge 2019 sample voice
dr. A. Palache (BP) sample voice
R. Samson (RS) sample voice
J. (Joël) Boosman (JEB) sample voice
E. Zigler (EZ) sample voice
B. Vingerling (BV) sample voice
B. Behar (BB), son of SB ; sample voice

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