Names, as used during the Services

Names are used:

In Mi Sheberach,
In Hashcavah
Assigning Mitzvoth (honours)
When one is called to the Torah (Subinte)

 Based a.o. on a private note from HRP to me (in Dutch).

Names for a man:

[Special title], [title], [first names], [de plus father’s first names and Sephardic last name(1), or if none, ben father’s first names], [haCoheen/ haLevi if applicable].
Note: the son of rabbi is called after his father, without mentioning a rabbi title.

Ger or non-Jewish father: [Special title], [title], [first names ben Avraham]

Ger with Portuguese Jewish father: [Special title], [title], [first names], [father’s Sephardic last name, ben Avraham],

Names for a woman:

[Title], [first names] +

If unmarried: [de plus father’s first names and Sephardic last name(1), or if none, bat father’s first names], [hacoheen/ halevi if applicable].

If married: Eshet hagebir [Husband’s name], 

If divorced or widow: [own Sephardic last name(1)], [if no Sephardic last names: bat father’s first names], [hacohenet/ halevi if applicable].

If perished: [Husband’s Sephardic last name if there is(1)], [own Sephardic last name if there is], [bat father’s name of there are no Sephardic names], [haCohenet/ haLevi if applicable].

For a giyoret, whenever the father’s name should be used, it must be replaced by one of the following:

Giyoret or non-Jewish father: [title], [first names bat Avraham]

Giyoret with Portuguese Jewish father: [title], [first names], [father’s Sephardic last name(1), bat Avraham].

 (1) There is one exception. The family Santcroos is called Yisael, as it is inappropriate to use their name in a service. Santcroos means "holy cross". This name was adopted during the inquisition by converted Jews to hide their true religion and pretend that they are "good" Catholics.


 Titles, as mentioned in the above table:




Children below 9 years

הילד הנעים

הילדה הנעימה




Chatan in the seven days after the wedding

החתן הגביר





From birth till after the day of his son’s Berit Milah

בעל הברית


From birth till after the day of his daughter’s Zebed Habat

אבי הבת \ אבי הבנות


If both of the above apply

בעל הברית ואבי הבת


Chacham (our chief Rabbi), title only, no name. Name is not needed, as there is only one Chacham.

הגביר הנעלה מורנו ורבנו


Rabbi of the community or chief rabbi from another congregation

הגביר הנעלה מורנו הרב


Rabbi from other congregation

הגביר הנעלה


60 and older

הישיש הנכבד הגביר


If granted




Some examples:

הישיש הנכבד הגביר דוד דמשה הכהן פרירה

הגביר אשר בן אורי נתן הכהן

הזקנה אלידה הכהנת פרירה הלוי (bat levi married to a coheen)

הגברת רבקה כהן פרירה - תקסירה דמטוס


Special titles


The Rabbi and Parnassim may grant special titles for man posthumous, before the mistwa (levaya, burial). Some examples are given below.

Doctor (MD)

הרופא המובהק


המוהל הנאמן


נעים זמירות ישראל

Parnas or member of the board

שהנהיג את הציבור

Special person

דחיל חטאין ומוקיר רבנן

 A more complete explanation on titles can be found elsewhere on the site.

Some examples:

איש דעת איש תבונה שהנהיג את הציבור הישיש הנכבד הגביר הנעלה משה דדוד הכהן פרירה

דחיל חטאין ומוקיר רבנן הגביר הנעלה אורי בן אשר הכהן


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Reference to the source required at all times.        Page last update: 30 juli, 2024