Parasha for Shabbat

This page describes the ceremonies around Torah reading on a regular Shabbat, but also on special Shabbatot, like-Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah, Yom Tov and Shabbat Chol haMoed.

 Recordings: NN tape 3b starting minute 15:23 till tape 4 minute 4:32 (complete recording tapes 3b & 4), NRP and JBS.
 Printable version of this page can be downloaded


Green tefilloth


On the Shabbat before Succoth, Pesach & Shavuot


שלוש פעמים

Hashcavah (abbreviated text) for members deceased in the last eleven months, read from the “eleven months register; always start with a man.



Hashcavah for the 29th of each month, or for the 1st day Rosh Chodesh



Hashcavah for victims of auto da fé: on Shabbat Chol hamoed Pesach, Shabbat Divrei and Shabbat Teshuva


השכבה לשרופים על קידוש השם

If a shivah ends on Shabbat, a Mi Sheberach is said for the mourning relatives in front of the Heichal


מי שברך לאבלים

HaGomel, if requested, see below.


הגומל, מי שברך


table Pregões


Chazzan bows to the president /Parnas to invite him to the Tebah.  


On Shabbat haGadol new Parnassim are announced. Sometimes this is on another Shabbat

Table Eleitos


Assigning of the Mitzvoth (honours). These will apply for the whole week  

מי שברך

On Shabbat haGadol Hashcavah for Ishac de Pinto
On Shabbat Noach Hashcavah for Abrham de Isac Orobio de Castro (see meldadura


השכבה מה רב

Hanoteen: Shamash opens the Heichal; Shamash takes the rimonim for levantar (Ashk, “hagbaha”) from the Heichal and holds on to them; the person honored with Abrir (abridor) walks to the Heichal; while the Congregation chants  “uva letzion goel” the Heichal is closed by the Shamash and is then opened again by the Abridor
On Shabbat Kings/Queens day or the Shabbat thereafter הנותן is said later.




The abridor takes the ponteiro (yad) from the Sefer and holds on to it.
On the Shabbat after Yom Haatzmaut the words מדינת ישראל ויגדיל שם התורה וישדארה וגם are skipped and so is מי שברך ... חיילים are later.

226 middle

מי שברך ... מדינת ישראל
מי שברך ... חיילים

The Chazzan bows towards the Heichal; Chazzan & Parnas go to Heichal. The chazzan precedes but at the gate before the Heichal he gives precedence to the Parnas. In front of the Heichal the Abridor hands the ponteiro (yad) to the parnas.


כוהניך ילבשו צדק

Before the Heichal, Mi Sheberach is said for Abridor, levador (carrier of the sefer) and acompanhador (who walks in front of the sefer and holds the cloak)


מי שברך

At Gadelu the levador takes the Sefer out of the Heichal. Then they walk to the Tebah in the following order:

Acompanhador, levador (1st, 2nd & 3rd sefer; the sefer inclines forward, it does not rest on the shoulder), Parnas, Chazzan, Shamash. At the Tebah, the Shamash places the rimonim for levantar on the reader’s desk, the Chazzan stands on the left side of the desk, the Parnas on the right side. The two boys remove the rimonim and put them on the placeholders in front of the Tebah. The Acompanhador takes off the capa (Torah mantle). The boy who was honoured with Ets Haim holds the sefer horizontally whilst the other boy, who was appointed desenfaixador, unwinds the sefer and together they wind up the fiaxa (band) from the sepfer. The Chazzan times his slow repetition of “Kie Shem ....” so that he finishes withותנו כבוד לתורה  precisely when the levador places the sefer on the reader’s desk.


גדלו ליי

רוממו ... ותנו כבוד לתורה

The levantador opens the sefer, the Chazzan and the parnas place the levantar rimonim on sefer, and while the levantador raises it aloft, the Congregation exclaims “Torat Moshe Emet”. 

When the levantador turns to the left, towards the president, those facing the script say ‘Vezot ...’. Then he turns three more times counterclockwise until all have faced the script and recited these words.

Finally he faces the hehal and all the worshippers say “Ha’El ...” while the sefer is lowered back onto the reader’s desk. 

Chazzan and Parnas place the levantar rimonim on their stands at the front corners of the Tebah, while the chazzan repeats “Ha’El..”.  The acompanhador takes his place a few steps behind where those called to the Torah will be standing. The Parnas hands the ponteiro to the Chazzan.


תורת משה אמת


וזאת התורה..


האל תמים דרכו..

A subinte (congregant called to the Torah) is summoned by the Chazzan. He takes the nearest stairs on his way up the Tebah, and the other stairs when he goes down after the reading.
On the stairs he says יי עמכם, the congregants answer יברכך יי. We say this באדנו"ת , not השם. This is based on Ruth 2:4. If he was already on the tebah this is not said.




After the beracha and before the reading, the congregant turns clockwise and bows towards the one who was previously called and who is now standing behind him. Thus the Cohen nods to the acompanhador, the Levi to the Cohen, etc. The one previously called now takes a seat on the bench on the Tebah and stays there until the end of the reading of the next Subinte, upon which he returns to his own seat. The acompanhador of course remains on the Tebah.


ברכות לעולה

Order: Cohen, Levi, five, in order of importance: 7-3-6-4-5 or 3-7-6-4-5.
6th is samuch, 7th mashlim.
About Chiyuvim (obligations)

Recording of all parasot

Reading of the Shira and the Ten Commandments



When one of the five books is completed, after the last words, before the beracha of the mashlim, “Chazak venichazak ...’ is said by the congregation and repeated by the Chazzan.


חזק ונתחזק, חזקו ויאמץ ללבכם כל המייחלים ליי

Beracha after the reading


ברכות לעולה

Hagomel can be said by the subinte after the reading, 

It can also be said separately either before the Parasha or after the service. Then the person, man or woman, who says the Hagomel, opens the Heichal. It requires Minyan. A Mi Sheberach always follows Hagomel.



המברך: ב'א'יי'א'מ'ה הגמל לחייבים טובות, שגמלני כל טוב.

החזן: הא'ל אשר גמלך כל טוב וחן וחסד, וחמלה, יתברך ויתרומם על כל ברכה ותהילה, הוא ברחמיו ישמרך, ויגמלך לעד כל טוב סלה

 מי שברך

A subinte can have the chazzan make Hashcavah and Mi Sheberach.
After a Hashcava, a Mi Sheberach is obligatory: um (one) Euro
 למנוחת הנפש הנזכרת,  מנוחתה תהא בגן עדן

Hascavah is made in the week following the yarzheit (Remembrance Day), see SH page 173, 2nd paragraph.

At the end of his Mi Sheberach, he takes a few steps backward and stands put until the next subinte finishes his initial beracha.

Short (man or woman)
starting for
Chacham here
for man with title
ending for all

השכבה לאיש,    לאשה

מי  שברך

After the mashlim, Kaddish, followed by Mi sheberach for the Subinte


קדיש לעילא,
מי  שברך

Whilst the second or third sefer is put on the reader’s desk and the previous one is removed, the Chazan says “E. Tzeva’ot...  Ein KaEl Yeshurun ...”.  

The undresssing of the second and third sefer is done during the Mi Sheberach and not during the reading itself. The sefarim are then covered with the mantle until needed. All are redressed during the Haftarah.

When the levador holds the sefer, e.g. during the Haftarah, he holds is in his hands leaning forward, not resting on his shoulder, nor does he put it in a holder or alike.


אלהי'ם צבאות השיבנו והאר פניך ונושעה. אין כא'ל ישורון רכב שמים בעזרך, ובגאותו שחקים

The Maftir is called by the single word “Maftir”.
At the end of the Torah reading the Chazzan hands the ponteiro to the Parnas.
Boys say haftara



If there is a second or third sefer


קדיש לעילא

The Parnas signals to the Maftir by saying ‘bechavod’. That he may begin the reading.
Recording of all haftarot

During the Haftarah de Chazzan stands on the left of the reader’s desk and remains there until “Mizmor leDavid.”
The boys redress the sefer in the same way they undressed it. The desenfaixador knots the straps of the fiaxa (band) and holds the knot with his finger. The Shamash makes a strong bow.


ברכות לפני ההפטרה


If Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbat or Sunday, special Haftaroth are read:
השמים כיסאי or מחר חודש

If another Haftarah must be read, the fist and last verses of the השמים כיסאי or מחר חודש are added after the special Haftarah.
If Shabbat and Sunday are Rosh Chodesh, the abbreviation of both Haftarot are added. These verses are recited by the congregation and then repeated by the Maftir.

Example: if Sunday is second day of Rosh Chodesh, then the first and last sentences of the Haftarah מחר חודש are added to the Haftarah of Rosh Chodesh השמים כיסאי.


הפטרה ראש חודש
השמים כיסאי

מחר חודש


השמים כיסאי

מחר חודש
שבת ויום ראשון ר"ח


Goaleinu is song by the congregation and repeated by the Maftir


ברכות אחרי ההפטרה
ברכת על התורה

The chazzan chants Yehi Ratson on Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh except Tishri

Before Rosh Chodesh Av we start at Mi 
Table Rosh Chodesh/fast, left column



יהי רצון

מי שעשה ...יהא לנו ראש חדש
(שני ימים) .....
יחדשהו ... ואמרו אמן

If coming week is the fast of
גדליה נדחה, עשרה בטבת, י"ז תמוז

Table Rosh Chodesh/fast, middle column


אחינו... צום
השביע \ העשירי \ הרביעי 

Mi Sheberach for the Congregation

226 bottom

מי שברך לקהלה

Mincha will be at

Table Mincha times

Mincha se rezará esta tarde … horas

The Chazzan and the Parnas remove the levantar rimonim from the front corners of the readers desk and place them in easy reach for retrieval by the Shamash


ייהי חסדך יי עלינו כאשר יחלנו לך

The Abridor and the Shamash (carrying the levantar rimonim) walk towards the Heichal 


ברוך יי
יהי ה' ...  בכל אשר תלך

The chazzan from left corner of Tebah, chants yimloh twice, each time repeated by the congregation. He kisses the sefer. The abridor opens the Heichal before the first yimloch. The Shamash places the levantar rimonim back in the Heichal. 



The congregation sings Mizmor ledavid. The Chazzan, while starting the first two words, bows towards the Heichal. The procession returns to the Heichal in the following order: acompanhador, levador (sefer carrier 1st, 2nd & 3rd sefer), Chazzan, Parnas (carrying the ponteiro). At the gate before the Heichal the Chazzan lets the Parnas enter first. At arrival the sefer is placed in the Heichal, the Parnas hands the ponteiro to the Abridor, who tucks it into the band wrapped around the sefer.


מזמור לדוד

A mi sheberach may be recited in front of the Heichal, if requested


מי שברך

At the word “Uvnucho” Chazzan bows to Heichal, and walks back to Tebah. Then the Abridor closes the Heichal and all return to their seats. 


שובה למענך ... אלפי ישראל

In case a member was buried at the Ouderkerk centenary in the preceding week.
Family & friends can make a Mi Sheberach. Family in a first Mi Sheberach, offering any amount, Officials and friends in a second Mi Sheberach, offering "hum" (one euro). The
2nd  Mi Sheberach is made in this order



On Shabbat King/Queens day or the Shabbat thereafter:
Once the Sefer Torah is brought back to the Hechal, the Parnaas opens the hechal and returns to his place. Psalms 117 & 118 are sung without repetition. The Chazzan reads Hanoteen, followed by psalm 67, which is sung. The Parnaas closes the hechal, returns to his place and the service is continued as usual.



מזמורים קי"ז & קי"ח
מזמור ס"ז

Hallel meody is just an example. Any melody can be used

On the Shabbat after Yom Haatzmaut:
Once the Sefer Torah is brought back to the Hechal, the Parnaas opens the hechal and returns to his place. Psalms 117 & 118 are sung without repetition. The Chazzan reads
אבינו שבשמים (taken from the last page of the Kippur prayer book), followed by מי שברך לחייל צה"ל. Finally psalm 67 is sung. The Parnaas closes the hechal, returns to his place and the service is continued as usual.



מזמורים קי"ז & קי"ח
אבינו שבשמים
מי שברך לחיילי צה"ל
מזמור ס"ז

Hallel melody is just an example. Any melody can be used

If King/Queens day and Yom Haatzmaut are in the same week:
Once the Sefer Torah is brought back to the Hechal, the Parnaas opens the hechal and returns to his place. Psalms 117 & 118 are sung without repetition. The Chazzan reads אבינו שבשמים (taken from the last page of the Kippur prayer book), followed by מי שברך לחייל צה"ל and finally the Hanoteen is recited. Finally psalm 67 is sung. The Parnaas closes the hechal, returns to his place and the service is continued as usual.



מזמורים קי"ז & קי"ח
אבינו שבשמים
מי שברך לחיילי צה"ל
מזמור ס"ז

Hallel meody is just an example. Any melody can be used

If there is a derasha., the chazzan says “Bechabod




Table Pregaos (announcements)

From 2nd day Pesach till Shavuot, to remind those who forgot to count Omer that they still can count without beracha[1].

Os Senhores que não contaram o comer, o contarão sem benção

On Shabbat preceding Yom Tov if there is mid-week torah reading after Yom Tov, to inform that the persons who were honoured with mitzvoth at Shabbat morning are entitled to the same mitzvoth for Mincha and workdays after Yom Tov (mitzvoth are assigned for the whole week, excluded Yom Tov)

Estas mitvot servem também para esta tarde e o resto da semana.


If coming Friday is Yom Tov, to remind worshippers to make eruv[2].

Vocês têm obrigação de fazer cerub

On Shabbat Zachor and Parah: to hear the portion read in the second sefer, which is a Torah obligation.

Vocês têm obrigação de ouvir a parasa do segundo sefer


Table Rosh Chodesh/fast

(all Portuguese based on HPS)

If fast/Rosh Chodesh is on

Fasts of
גדליה נדחה, עשרה בטבת, י"ז תמוז

ראש חודש


צום השביעי\העשירי\הרביעי יהיה למחר
Amanhã é jejum

למחר Amanhã é ros hodes

Sunday & Monday


למחר ולמחרתו Amanhã e depois de amanhã é ros hodes


צום \העשירי\הרביעי יהיה ביום שני  Segunda-feira é jejum

יום שני Segunda-feira é ros hodes


צום \העשירי\הרביעי יהיה ביום  שלישי   Terça-feira é jejum

יום שלישי Terça-feira é ros hodes


צום \העשירי\הרביעי יהיה ביום
Quatra- feira é jejum

יום רביעי Quatra-feira é ros hodes


צום \העשירי\הרביעי יהיה ביום
Quitna- feira é jejum

יום חמישי Quitna -feira é ros hodes


צום השביעי יהיה ביום שישי
Sexta- feira é jejum

יום שישי Sexta-feira é ros hodes

Friday & Shabbat


יום שישי ושבת קודשי Sexta-feira e Sábado é ros hodes



יום שבת קודש Sábado é ros hodes

Shabbat & Sunday


יום שבת קודש ולמחרתו Sábado e Domingo é ros hodes


Mincha times

One o’clock

À uma hora

Two o’clock

Às duas horas

Three o’clock

Às três horas

Four o’clock

Às quarto horas

Five o’clock

Às cinco horas

Six o’clock

Às seis horas

Seven o’clock

Às sete horas

Eight o’clock

Às oito horas

Nine o’clock

Às novo horas

Ten o’clock

Às dez horas

Quarter past
e.g. quarter past one

um quarto
À uma hora e um quarto

Half past
e.g. half past one

À uma hora e meia

Quarter to (45 minutes after)
e.g. quarter to two

três quarto
À uma hora e três quarto



On Shabbat haGadol new (one or more) Parnassim are announced. Sometimes this is done on another Shabbat.

The text is read in Portuguese. Dates (XX below), names (NN below) and functions (YY below) must be filled as needed.

The translation may not be 100% correct.



Em XX de Nissan de Cinco Mil Sete Centos XX, que corresponde a XX de Avril, Dois Mil XXX juntarão-se o Conselho deste Communidade para fazer eleição de dois senhores Parnassim em lugar des que hão de sahir em virtude do artigo xxx do regulamento. 

On XX of Nissan of Five Thousand Seven Hundreds XX, which corresponds to XX of April, Two Thousand XXX, the Council of this Community will join together to elect two gentlemen Parnassim in place of those who will have to leave in virtue of article xxx of the regulation .

Depois de haver rodupzido o registro dos Senhores Membros eligiveis por dito cargo, se procedeo com a eleicão, forão eleitos por maioria de votos os dois Senhores abaixo nomeados. Sendo depois designado o qual dos Senhores parnassim fungira YYY do anno seguinte, com segue, que lhes seja Besiman Tob.

After having completed the registration of the Members eligible for said office, if the election proceeds, the two Members named below will be elected by majority vote. Being afterwards designated which of the Lords Parnassim will function as YYY of the following year, with follows, let him be Besiman Tob.



בסימן טוב   תהלת




This page has been corrected and complemented on my details by AAV, HSP and DZB.

[1] Announced every morning if Arvit the evening before was prayed before tseth hacochavim (“night”). This is always the case on Friday night, as Shabbat in summer starts very late.

[2] According to Seder Chazzanut this is said two days before Yom Tov after Mincha, but now a days it is said on Shabbat before Yom Tov too.


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Reference to the source required at all times.        Page last update: 06 september, 2024